Cleaning is included in all prices
Free Wi-Fi
Free parking in the garden (1 vehicle per apartment)
Bed linen and towels are included in all prices
Fully equipped kitchens/kitchenettes
We have two trolleys that you can borrow
Extra bed available upon request (25 Euro)
Baby cot upon request (5 Euro)
Washing machine in some apartments
Spacious garden with trampoline
Barbecue station in the garden

Our objective is to make Villa Elisabeth as safe as possible when you are away from home. Due to the Corona virus here is a short update in how Villa Elisabeth is adopting and monitoring the circumstances.
We always have high standards concerning cleaning of our apartments. We are constantly monitoring the recommendations from the Estonian Health Board in order to assure best level of standard.
We encourage guests to keep distance from each other.
Our employees do not work if showing any signs of Corona symptoms.
All areas that are subject to frequent touching by hands are disinfected.
Faceguard is used when cleaning the apartments.
The apartments are thoroughly ventilated when cleaning.
Hand disinfectant is provided in all rooms.
We have also added home delivery restaurants/companies on this site. Please see "Eat & Drink".